Avoid all fish hooks!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Woody Winces

I am having such a good day! I stayed up last night until 3 am waiting for the nor'easter. It trickled in but by now at 4:23 pm EST, it's beating down. I love it. Sounds like music to me. I wish you could see it, hear it. Nature floors me, humbles me, revives me.

I awoke at 12:30 pm. My kidneys and cats were pounding on me to wake up! I did and made banana pancakes, sausage with sundried tomatoes and basil, and one egg. Yummy. Lots of coffee. Just heard yesterday that drinking coffee takes off a year of your life. I can afford that for the stimulation and meditation it brings me.

Watched "The Fisher King" and it was fabulous. That's the kind of writing turned visual I love! Made me cry. Then I decided it was time to grade the midterms for my online classes and left the television on a lecture on history and the pope. I've horribly translated what the actual lecture was but it was background noise for me. I am stlll not out of the woods: utter silence traps me. I need the sound of human voice. How can you be with vibrant young women for 22 years and not miss it? So I keep the tellie on and it soothes me.

Now I'm headed to do the dishes with Woody Allen's "Hannah and Her Sisters." One of his best. Who doesn't sweat her sister being the love of who you love? I know my ex secretly panted over my sister in the early days. Neither thinks I know that, but I do. My sister thought nothing of him but he adored her even though he accused her of breaking us up. I found that funny and sweet.

Who cares now?

I don't.

I won the prize: two stunners who are mega full of life.

I win.

My apartment is brimming with candles burning against the soothing gray sky and dark tree branches. I wonder if spring will ever come?

I am full of life within.

Woody is wincing over the thought of having a brain scan in the movie. He's such a nervous nellie. Funny that his jangling would become life from art. Terror turned true. Marrying his wife's adopted daughter did that become his arrival at worry? But does it bring him happiness that tells everyone to fuck off?

The nor'easter tells me to keep going.

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