Avoid all fish hooks!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Eternally Grateful

Bone tired tonight, but want to post. Went downtown for an entrepreneurial meeting and ended up babysitting for one of the member's babies because children weren't allowed past the receptionist's desk. I had more fun running up and down in front of the elevators with the little 15 month old boy.

Leaving and heading for home, I marveled at the chill in this July air! It just feels delicious and I almost needed a jacket. My kind of summer.

Finding out so much about my inner self, how much I have disconnected and yet, like the proverbial hanging on by the skin of my teeth, getting a better grip everyday. Knowledge is key. So I keep reading and as in today - at Barnes and Noble as I read one of the Seth books - left for the meeting off Fulton feeling so joyous.

This girl is losing the limited and false beliefs.

Everything feels like child's play.

1 comment:

New York Wedding by James said...

I sooooooooooooo appreciated all your help with my little man. I like what I see here. You are doing a wonderful job. I will remember you should something come up.