Avoid all fish hooks!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Power in the Blood

While walking to one of my gigs, I saw a nice stack of magazines on a stoop in Park Slope. I went through them and found Bust magazine bust.com and Edible Brooklyn ediblebrooklyn.com. I gathered up about ten, mainly Bust, and have been happily reading one issue after another. I'd forgotten how really good of a magazine it is. The features are full and meaty and ripe with feminist issues. Pumped some strong blood back into my tired veins.

Roseanne Barr says you don't ask for power, you take it. Time to do such. Today I wrote for an hour. No one was stopping me in the past, but me, so I hushed the naysayer inside and took the power. It felt wonderful. Since I've been able to heal with my mother by being with her when she crossed over, I have found a renewed strength in my confidence as a writer. I walked through fear and alas, as is known, that was the only thing to fear. The dang fear, itself.

Now I am going back to writing and will read a few more features in Bust, but wanted to check in and wish you a Happy Memorial Day weekend.

Do whatever gives you power. Take it. Take it now.

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