Avoid all fish hooks!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yaawn - What to Do?

Tonight, I'm bored and overheated. I took my living room air conditioner out of the window too soon, and for the past few weeks, have truly suffered, but the dang thing is too heavy to put back in, and I like saving money on electricity bills. I have to smile; it is so sounding like my mother. But on this last night of August, I know by Saturday the tide will have turned with 77 degree weather and rain thanks to Hurricane Earl. So that takes care of the heat, but what about my boredom?

Let's be real; how can I be bored? There is so much to do! Writing on my memoir about my mom and me and two workshops, one way overdue, the other, brand new. Not to mention the novel with characters still sitting on my stoop, shaking their heads. But here I am, blogging and watching "America's Got Talent." Oh it's hot in here on several levels!

I took this in my apartment and there weren't any rays of light coming in...I tried to recreate it. My mother is with me.
Last Friday, I sat in this very chair, watching television, late into the night, until - I swear - I heard my mother say, "Shut that TV off!" and I did. And I felt her with me, nudging me, reminding me of incident after incident, and I wrote, stopping only to cry softly, and then harder, as the pen moved. "Thank you, Mom," I said, "thank you."

My mother and I had a turbulent time when she was alive. I miss her so much, and as my friend, Rhonda said (http://www.rhondadore.com/) and was right, my mother is, I can literally feel her, with me, co-authoring this work. I used to feel so angry that my mother said to me when I first decided to be a writer, "Do you really think you can make a living as a writer?" and for many years, she was right. I couldn't except in shadow jobs in public relations, development, and education. Now, she kicks me in the rear, tells me to turn the "boob tube" off and to write!

I'm not bored anymore. And I'm not angry. I understand. What I need to write is now. Thank you, Mom.

Dedicated to Nancy Lee Powell Hastings who loved this song:

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