Avoid all fish hooks!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mad Good

The next time you are clutter cleaning, take note. As you are deciding what to keep, toss or give away, you are also igniting your creative senses. Be aware of answers to questions you have had that come as you are cleaning. I find it marvelous.

Earlier today, I looked about my apartment and didn't know where to start, which of my three humble rooms to begin. So I started with the dining table which was holding my notebooks, mail, and a big bowl of remnants from the holidays. I found a lemon there that was no longer bright yellow. I sifted through the bowl first and I made piles. Throwing away the old bits of papers in there felt good, and I felt refreshed, and began to clean more efficiently. Soon, the bowl held new clementines and I had a dusting cloth in my hand.

My creativity grew.  While scrubbing the kitchen floor I thought of a project that might interest my older daughter. Hurriedly, I texted her, and then went on. I took the kitchen throw rug to the rooftop and observed the Manhattan skyline. Hello, I said, feeling the fresh, sharp winter air as I took in the sight and shook the rug, When I returned, my daughter had replied, and not only wanted to do it, but wanted me to participate with her. Yes!

I ate dinner and settled in to watch the three Saturday Night PBS movies; but soon I fell asleep, barely hearing the audio of the movie, and smiling. It was "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World." Nearly 40 years ago, I had taken my grandmother to see it at the Army base theater of my hometown. "I love you, Grandma," I said, falling deeper, hoping the next movie would be a better one. But it didn't really matter. The glow of my clean home and clutter-free creativity was enough. In the morning, I'd start all over again.

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