Avoid all fish hooks!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Help is Dreaming Inside You

Dreaming is mega important.
As Aristotle said, "Hope is a waking dream." Dreams are the gateway to solutions, answers, help, and support. If you are ever struggling with a problem or issue, ask for assistance before you go to sleep and then keep a Dream Journal by your bedside.

Last night I had a dream, or really early this morning. I awoke, grabbing at the air, and sat up, putting my elbows onto the table next to the bed. A lot to process. I had gone from one stressful, angry dream to kicking obnoxious people out of my "house" (getting rid of bad habits), and feeling sick about it to being back in my old bedroom back in El Paso, Texas on Album Avenue where my parents lived for four decades. Both of my folks, as you know, have transitioned, but in this dream, my mother was on my bed and my father on the opposite side of the room, more the middle, next to my sister's bed, and lounging on the floor.

Eighteen and home for Christmas on Album Avenue.
My darling parents on Easter Sunday 1988.
My mother was drinking a cappuccino and even in the dream I marveled. So uncharacteristic of who she was when I knew her. This told me that she was letting her freak flag fly. As ordinary as a coffee drink may seem, but my mother was hesitant about enjoying much of anything even though at the end I discovered she loved food as much as I do. She drank it all with a gusto, her hair teased as she wore it in the 60s and 70s. Her head rested on a large shoebox with paperwork inside, so like my mother to use for her filing or storage. "Do you want a pillow?" I asked her, something I would have done since she had a disabling life for 30 years. She looked at me as if to say why??

I was flabbergasted!

Then I turned to my father who sat staring at me smiling and from his left eye (earlier in relaying this story to my daughters I said right, but now I realize it was the left) came a twinkle and the most radiant stream of love, magically I took it all in, feeling the awesomeness that everything is alright and always will be.

I began to wake up when suddenly in my mind's eye, I saw a good sized Blue Jay come sweeping down at me, swooshing inside my forehead. I saw its white underside as it slide into me. I researched what a blue jay represents and looked on What's Your Sign and am claiming the Blue Jay in my totem.

It was my first dream with both of my parents there. I am so thankful. 

There is so much spiritual support just waiting to help us! You are surrounded by eternal and present love. Accept it and sleep on it! Happy dreaming!

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