Avoid all fish hooks!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Breaking a Sweat

Here in NYC, we are experiencing our usual 15+ days during the summer of a heat wave. This one is supposed to break by Sunday.


Since the wave began, I've been resisting putting in my bigger of the two air conditioners and opting rather only to have the smaller one in my Reiki and Writing room with the hope of the air billowing out into the living space. I could sleep in my work space, however, I love the bigger bedroom and so each night, I pray a breeze will suffice.

Last night was the tipping point.

Sweat upon sweat, my t-shirt glued onto skin, a feeling of combustion threw the wrench into the whole "I'm not paying Con Ed any more than I have to this summer!" I took my favorite comforter/blanket into the semi-colder room with the smaller a/c and in turmoil went to sleep. In the morning, I awoke knowing I was sabotaging my happiness and so I went to the larger a/c and thanked it for making it another summer, slid it into the next room with a towel under it. Moving the twin bed I could get to the window that is much lower to the ground and so that much easier to haul her highness into the frame.Turning on the big motor, she spit chilled air like an overdue thought and I smiled, my shirt pulsing free from my skin.

I knew with this big mama, the air would better coil into the living room, and she did. In minutes, I felt reprieve. It was then I realized I could not fight what was bigger than me: the weather.

Better to work through the summer in sanity and pay Con Ed its therapy fees.

"Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

I took the baby a/c into the bedroom and latched it into the window, aiming to use it only when necessary which will be tonight.

I am ready to receive.

Sheela Wolford is a writer, poet, Reiki practitioner, mom, and photographer of life. She is working on herself, a full time job that pays really well.

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