Avoid all fish hooks!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

What a Man, What a Man is my First Contributor

I exist! I have a contributor! Thank you so much, Chris! You sure know how to treat a groupie! Thank you so much. Be sure to check out Chris's blog at: http://beldenblog.blogspot.com/

Yesterday a shopkeeper couldn't believe I was mother to a 22 year old! "Yeh, she's hot," said Leila and I ate it up with a spoon. Then to come home and discover I had a contributor...well, it's Christmas for me. All night long I kept saying, "I exist, I exist!"

Red wine and a notebook accompanied me into the morning, 3:44 to be exact. It was a night of celebration. Today I awoke to cats butting into my head for their breakfast. I fed them, made coffee and wrote up my midterm exams and today's lesson for my students. I also sent a proposal to a woman I found on Craigslist who needs someone to teach her how to write a press release. If she picks me, I will teach her online. Yesterday at a doctor's appointment with Leila I realized I could make up an e-book on my lessons used in teaching students about finding their "voice." The ideas are coming; the progression being made.

I exist. I exist.

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