Avoid all fish hooks!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm With Child!

Spent all day Monday and into the night grading essays and research papers until I literally became sick. Worked a little bit on the novel yesterday and it was the only bright spot in my day. That and realizing I have another column entry for Creator's Syndicate (I think I give it a new name everytime I write about it) regarding squirrels. I am learning to let the ideas tap me on the shoulder and to be astute enough to WRITE THEM DOWN! Should have taken a pen and paper to bed with me last night for the ideas were jumping like salmon in a cold Alaska river! Upstream, grab me Sheela they were saying but I just had to sleep. I remember a couple and will jot them down.

I have referred to writing this novel the same as in growing a baby in the womb and it is true. It is with me always and what I do affects the growth of the baby. I'm going to take much better care of myself and swallow down more vitamins. As much as I thought my two daughters were the only children I would give birth to, come to find out, I have many more to conceive and produce.

Okay, that's all I can scribble down this morning. I am one day late in turning in my grades so must get to Downtown Brooklyn and try to avoid the mighty rain that is coming! I wish to observe it from the comfort of my living room and right in front of this computer, growing a baby.

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