Avoid all fish hooks!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Money, Money, Money...Kills Children

Here's what I just read in CODEPINK's latest email:

"We have spent nearly $400 billion on the war in Iraq and will spend half a trillion dollars by the end of 2009 even if all U.S. troops were withdrawn next week. Deadly attacks against American troops and Iraqi security forces continue on a daily basis. The increasingly brutal occupation by American troops provides insurgents with a constant stream of new recruits. More boots on the ground is clearly not the answer, but President Bush isn't listening to anyone -- not to the Baker Study Group, not to the Generals running the show in Iraq, not to many Senators and Congress people from his own party. In the face of this willful deafness, we -- like the tiny people in Dr. Seuss's fable Horton Hears A Who -- have to shout in unison a loud and clear NO." Codepink@mail.democracyinaction.org


It is so very, very obvious to me how we are being robbed blind. Such a scheme. Four hundred billion taken from Americans and put into Halliburton's hands. They are laughing all the way to the bank. I have a student in my Friday Comp I class. Her son is in Iraq. She prays with every fibre in her body that he will come home alive. I am surprised she can walk around like a sane woman. I would be in a strait jacket.

CODEPINK asks for my attendance at one of their events to resist this atrocity. Or it suggests coming up with one of my own. This is my event. Please read and react. I read yesterday that even after the tragic death of Nixmary, the little girl brutally killed by her stepfather, that ACS's lack of ability to save the children in these situations in NYC is up 60 percent. Again I must agree with Sylvia Browne. This is the most negative planet in the Universe. Energy gone bad.

As Frida Kahlo said I agree and wish never to return here after I die. This is a sad World.

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