Avoid all fish hooks!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Wrote for four hours yesterday until 1 pm! It was heaven. Tonight I have classes, so I'm going to fine tune my lesson and such...not in the same vibe on class day. Not feeling it. I already look forward to tomorrow, Wednesday. It's getting colder here in the Northeast, hoorah! Never thought I'd be looking forward to a real winter, but bring it on. For the atmosphere and ecosphere, hit me with your best shot!

I walked to The Promenade and then jogged it from one end to the other. It's not terribly long, but it was a nice beginning. I plan - if it's not raining - to go tomorrow and run it up and back, twice! I feel so much better this morning. It is my goal to be slamming by the time Sarah rolls around again for Spring Break. I just want to feel on top of my game and these extra pounds that I've been packing for the past two decades, it is time for them to go, once and for all.

I was surprised how smoothly I ran; my muscles are more in shape than I thought. I have some good endurance, just need to improve on the cardio. The stairs wind me and I'm tired of that. It would be so great - for once - to keep up with my daughters on our hike upstairs.

The holidays with them were memorable. Even the rough times. That's why it's such precious times, these times, all times. The happiness I felt yesterday, I will get it everyday, and receive money i.e., energy from it. I know this now. I called my younger brother yesterday, though, and he asked if my method was to wait until I was on "skid row"? It shocked me; his anger, but he is going through a lot of struggles right now and I forgive him. I'm fresh from watching "The Pursuit of Happyness". I can make it through anything and understand now how important it is to "protect my dream."

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