Avoid all fish hooks!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Roseanne Cash singing...what could be better?

Woke up this morning, er, afternoon, and felt so much better! It's true. We need sleep. This crazy American society that thinks moving every minute is the only way to go is wrong. Deep sleep, quick nurturing naps, that's what gives life! and I plan to live mine out until my number is up.

I've spent two hours reading my good friend, Anna's blog (on my list as Warrior Pen). She's moving, making her way and she inspires me. Then I did about half an hour putzing around on Idealist.org updating my profile, searching for telecommuting jobs (none) and even posting myself as a speaker. I would love to do that. Speak and go. Workshop and go. I love that part of communicating. I think I am better suited for that, being an Air Force brat and all. I'm used to giving and going.

Then I read my favorte parts of the NYT's Sunday Magazine: Lives and the one on one interview with Deborah Soloman. She's a sharpshooter and I like the interviewees' responses. Gotta keep up. In Lives was a stunning essay by Ambar Past http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/18/magazine/18Lives.t.html. Well, that did it. I'm writing the rest of the day.

Made Split Pea Soup and it smells good gurgling on the stove. I'll make some cornbread and schmear it with Apricot preserves and simply live.

That old Kenny Loggins' song, "This is It" still haunts me. I'm going no further. "This is it."

Oh yes, I wrote an essay and shipped it to The El Paso Times. To Charles Edgren, a journalist I have always respected. He's in charge of the editorial copy. It was written late Friday night after a rough week of classes. I had hit my darkest spot and it was then I realized, "write." Something broke free. I wrote another essay last night and now I bid you adieu and go to write my next entry on my latest project (the novel is still there, I'm just cheating a bit) on my daughters.

Happy Sunday. As my friend Anna says on her voice mail. "Make it your best."


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