Avoid all fish hooks!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Intimate Contact with Unreasonable Beauty"

Slurping down Frosted Cheerios. Now the coffee's tasting good as I'm reading Leila her horoscope from The Village Voice as she is out the door, heading for work. Sarah's at the airport waiting for her college roommate to fly in for a visit.

Love Free Will Astrology.

Here's mine:

"Ordinary life does not interest me," wrote Anais Nin in one of her diaries. "I seek only the high moments. I am searching for the marvelous." Normally I might discourage you from pursuing that approach, Libra. You've got money to make and appointments to keep and groceries to buy after all. And doing those tasks can make it hard to specialize in the marvelous. But for a limited time only, the planetary powers that be are granting you an exemption from the ordinary. More than that, actually: They're insisting on it. You need intimate contact with unreasonable beauty, sweet anomalies, beguiling ephemera, inexplicable joys, and small changes that inspire reverence.

Tonight is the Reading for the students. I burned two cds for filler noise inbetween the readings. The students will wince but love it and be surprised I got pretty close to their cool. It helps to have modern age daughters. Nas, Lauren Hill, Biggie, and Killers makes for a good night.

I will miss the connection with the students, but I won't miss grading. I will carry them though, with me as I do my girls. I have to get these words down and speak to the World. Tonight I tell them to do the same. I show them how their voice from silent to spoken turns like kool aid to water, into color. And it tastes great.

Last night NYC had a mother of a storm. I was in a building through it all and came out from the train at 8:30 onto my block to see mounds of leaves, a tiny swatch of branches here and there. "Oh my goodness!" I said, when a man passing me said, "That' nothing...look at the branch at the park." I crossed the street and there was a branch as long as a streetlight and five times as big. If it had fallen on a car, crushed; in the direction of the apartment building, windows out.

Shocking. I missed the whole thing. But today the sky is blue, the reading tonight, and Sarah's friend's plane detained but by dusk will be here. NYC is intact.

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