Avoid all fish hooks!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Much to Sing About Everything

Come and hear my buddy Chris Belden sing at The Bitter End on Monday, May 7, 8 pm. I looked up the address and turns out The Bitter End is the oldest rock club....well, I'm still older! Criminy. I met Chris at last year's NY Writer's Coalition's Write-a-Thon where I had a great breakthrough in learning there are many, many endings, and why stop at the first? I kept thinking my free writing essay was done and yet there was still time to go, so on I went and blam! another great ending, more info, another fantastic ending, and still the time wasn't up! That's when I learned to take it to the limit. And the rest has been gravy (and lots of ambitious and soul satisfying work).

Chris was a workshop facilitator. He reminds me of Bob Newhart, quiet but when he speaks, funny as hell.

Come hear him!

Chris Belden at The Bitter End (a place still younger than Sheela)
Monday, May 7, 8 pm
147 Bleecker Street (between Thompson and LaGuardia)
New York City, NY 10012
Voice: (212) 673-7030

Monday May 7th
NY Songwriters Circle ($8) with:
Richard Clark
Mary Jennings
Monica Ott
Chris Belden
Ben Scheur
Emily King
The Oz Noy Trio ($10)

1 comment:

AceStings said...

The torch of creativity has been handed to you now, and I know you will make us all very proud with your great works.

"White bird must fly, or she will die."

Soar, great bird, for you give all others the courage to follow your natural love of life.

We all are anxious to realize what you knew all along was true.

I love you very much.

Congratulations Sheela