Avoid all fish hooks!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

First Day on the Job

Sarah has done the dishes the last three times and so I am taking today's stack and as soon as it is done, I am officially headed out for my first day of work as a writer.

Can you feel my excitement and delight?

I am going to traipse around, probably first to the library and I will stay there until the kids talking on the other side of the small brick building wear me down, and then I'll go to The Fall Cafe where you can sit forever...oh, I forgot! I can listen to my ipod at both places! Noises no more! Then I'll take a walk if it's not too grisly hot.

Then I'll figure out the rest, as said in Working Girl, as I go along.

All the begging and asking has produced this and I thank you, Mother. I thank you, Universe. I thank you, Sheela, for having the determination to keep going.

Now I'm going.

1 comment:

AceStings said...

By Jove, I think she's got it!