Avoid all fish hooks!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Paddling Down the River of Dreams

Don't know what's going on inside of me, but I'm so emotional today. Everyone is gone and I'm back from doing laundry and well, crying. I think it's the realization that I am in a precarious place: Doing what I need to do and accepting the fact that not everyone will understand it and that I must just keep going on.

It's a good cry. I guess I'm learning to turn away from fear and dive in. There's a scariness to risks, though, and only those who come out on the other side understand it. I am crying because I understand this.

I am home.

1 comment:

Gotanidea said...

Hello Sheela, saw your profile on Idealist.org. I have something which makes you smile..I hope. Its about a project to help others. If you are interested contact me on viralaffairs@gmail.com