Avoid all fish hooks!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

My Baby is Born

On July 2, I finished the first draft of my novel.

I did.

I sat down in the Blue Whale and closed my eyes and meditated for a few minutes and earlier had written the post you see prior to this one, and something came together. I think it was the novel's time to be born and we all know that when a baby is ready to appear, there is nothing to do but let her come.

She came out beautiful, a little messy, but whole and strong.

I wrote for seven hours straight. Forgot to light the third tea candle and just kept going and somewhere in the sixth hour realized I was steering to the story's end. The final push was coming and as in birth, what a relief!

The connections, transitions, explanations startled and thrilled me; I couldn't believe the rhythm of meditation coming from the Blue Whale.

I text messaged my girls first, my brother, and then called my mother. She was stunned and shocked in happiness, too.

It was a moment.

I thank the universe. I thank the god inside me. I thank the source of life.

I did it and that has made all the difference.

Now on to cleaning up and bringing my baby home.

Happy Fourth!


Unknown said...

Congrats! I just added your blog to my new layout page! Hip Hip Horray for the birth of your new baby!

Sheela Wolford said...

Thank you, Anna! And kudos on the new layout! I'm going there now.

AceStings said...

The birth of a novel is an amazing thing
to behold. Why you're glowing, aren't you?

In less than five years I'd say, you are going to be very surprised by what you have accomplished so quickly and the prolefect force and drive that has blessed the world with a dedicated dreamer who with a sweet kiss from Prince Dharmimg woke up and began to "salt the earth," and God was happy.

May I be so lucky as to follow in your most honorable footsteps and show those who have the scales removed from their eyes, the true power of enlightenment, now.