Avoid all fish hooks!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Origami Ocean

Yesterday my Uncle Dean and his new wife, Anna, had an art show in Huntington at the library on New York Avenue on Long Island. Anna discovered how to take my uncle's printed artwork and turn it into origami. Exquisite. She realized this while visiting her new son, Ken, at his home in West Orange. His daughter, Harley, I believe it was Harley and not his son, Peter, made an origami box and placed chocolates in it. And so the inspiration evolved into an art show.


This is where I'm at. Learning to take the inspiration, the tickling that won't go away, the feeling of doing something, accomplishing something, something that is growing stronger as I am growing older. There are many layers to burn off before getting, returning, moving back into the heart of a child, who I was all along, who we all are, from the source of love.

It was so great to see my brother, James, and my niece, Tori. Tori has cerebral palsy but she's growing stronger every day, every time I see her. More clarity. The school she is attending that my brother and sister in law, Melissa, ferociously strove for, is paying off. I see her finding her way a little more each day.

I think that's only what is in the mix for us, too. To find our way. Everyone has it, a path. It's just taking the time to slow way down and play, look, realize, find it right there, where it's been all along. It's us who are scrambling in all directions but where our playhouse sits. Seek and you shall find.

I also got to see my cousin's wife, CJ, who I adore. I spoke with my brother, Steve on the phone after returning last night and he said it best: she is centered consciousness.


Just a joy to sit next to and when I could slow my talk down enough, to listen to her was refreshment. CJ, as you read this, I want to say, you have much to say. Say it from that slamming VP office, say it after hours, on Saturdays, in the wee hours of the morning. Learn from my mistakes. Say it NOW even while the mêlée is all around. There are people like me who will read it. All of it.

Ken and CJ's children are thriving and strong. Happy. Like I remember flouncing around with my brothers and sister. Knocking each other around and bonding. Harley has had severe arthritic troubles but she is coming out of it and her parents have stayed with her, fought it, protected her, have become her lifeforce when it was horrific and she is coming out of it. She is the strongest and brightest of all. Peter, pure joy. Just like his father. To look at Peter is to smile and remember there is a twinkle in all of us.

My Uncle Dean also is finding his way and is at peace. A fabulous artist, it's not easy to switch gears and he gives me courage to continue for he's found his way in his fourth quarter. I'm in my third and much to do.

His son, Dean, is wall to wall heart. Dean helped me get my first job here in New York. I worked for Estee Lauder in the Foundation and what an experience. I went from middle management to office girl but I got to see the operation and the view over Central Park is what every newcomer to New York should witness. And Ronald Lauder's divine art collection. The teddy bear wrapped in gauze or the bronze statues of people who looked so real, I often said hello to the man in the corner of the massive area where the receptionist sat. Each time I laughed and blushed, but it was this clever creativeness that I feel running through me this morning.

Dean freely gives all the time. No fee is charged. No taxes. No 'now you owe me.' Nothing. His karmic debt is clean. He is clean. He only need go into his photo office and create fiercely and free. Be Andy Warhol.

His wife, Michele, is slamming it as the President of a family business now in its fourth generation, I believe. That's a talent. I see her satisfaction, and it's good. Her daughters, Chelsea and Taylor, are lithe and robust. They see through eyes that will guide them. There is much heart swimming toward them.

All this I saw last night as I sat at a long table with my family. I've been away from them for a long time. I had to go away and find myself. Much solitude. I wanted to tell them last night I had holed up from everyone. It was something I had to do. I still love it. Right now I am completely alone in quiet and since it's Veteran's Day I will take a break and watch the View. I love Whoopi Goldberg. And then I'll meet up with my daughter, Leila, and life will begin again.

And again.

Do what you love. From a cubby turned office to a humble Brooklyn apartment, do what gives you centered consciousness.

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