Avoid all fish hooks!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Come on Down

"Every moment challenges us to rise to our highest: to choose strength over weakness, forgiveness over blame, faith over faithlessness, and love over fear. And when we can't, we ask God to help us. In choosing love, we are choosing to be healed from the forces that would hold us back. Love heals the world by healing our minds, for that which is healed on the level of consciousness is healed on the level of ultimate cause."

Marianne Williamson

The clouds are coming in...with trepidation, I love it. It's not going to snow, snow, so that's good as I am in need of new winter boots, but I've been really lucky and NYC hasn't gotten a huge accumulation. Well, now that I said that it will come down.

Love the quote above. It calms and stills me on frantic days. Had another breakthrough this morning. The writing is telling me to just keep going. My style and rhythm are singing along. The writing is like salve to the hardships and red-facedness I've endured while getting through to a stronger and brighter side. I'm closer. Learning to stay in the present. Not feeling ashamed or guilty. This is my right and I trust it and know I will be a better person, more productive, and, yes, I'll say it, wealthier in every way.

Come on snow. I'm ready for you.

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