Avoid all fish hooks!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


What happens when the voice goes silent? When the heart forfeits to the mind? Fear creeps in, actions stop, movement becomes only something to watch from afar, wishing to be involved but only allowed a certain stance. As long as words do not come, voice will not speak, heart does not feel, can there be acceptance.

And this is not acceptable.

The writer expresses and then emerges into the flow of humanity. And often, sometimes, sadly the writer swims alone.

We all swim alone when we speak from the heart. But in this courageous moment, act, we are as One.


AceStings said...

Thinking big thoughts is important, but if your brain is always trying to wrap itself around major, life-changing ideas, how are you going to manage your day-to-day tasks successfully? Get back to reality, today. Focus on the details of living. Reconnect with that friend you haven't seen in a while. They want to know what you've been up to, and they have some exciting news to share with you. The real excitement of living lies in the tiny details, not in the dramatic goals you've been dreaming up.
I truly love you Sheela,

Unknown said...

It's not east to be the first born as I have realized,
and I want to apologize for my past ill behavior
toward you.
The truth is, I have always loved you and I will never stop for ever more. Bless you, my sweet sister.
For you, I thank God every day.
Lloyd H