Avoid all fish hooks!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh Happy Day

Every morning I read a chapter out of Deepak Chopra's book, "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success." I've been doing this - beyond having read and reread his book for years - every morning for nearly a year and yesterday I realized I had forgotten. I was so caught up, consumed in my affairs i.e. finances that I had forgotten to read a chapter. So I picked up the book last night before going to bed and read, "The Law of Least Effort." And in reading this I read and experientially began to understand the thought that "nature is held together by the energy of love." Then further I read, "When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates - and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth."

It finally took root with me. I got it. Aha, all the energy I use and consume in a day that is wasted when not operating through the energy of love. I am slowly getting it. So then, I understood this morning as thoughts came to me once I awoke...why much of my writing feels forced and why I dread it, dread the process...but how can this be? When all I want to do is write and earn my living this way? Why then am I struggling so?

Aha, aha, aha, because I have been close but no cigar.

Perhaps it's because I've been drifting away from my true nature and trying to be what I "thought" I should sound like as a writer...and whatever isn't natural, I understand now, causes stress.

So on my gorgeous nephew's tenth birthday, I understand a little bit more. And I am "better than I used to be," or moreso, closer to the real and true me - as a spirit in human form and as a writer.

Dedicated to Jared Heimer, 10 years old today.

"It's all about love." Frederick Reed Hastings in pure spirit form

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