Avoid all fish hooks!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Forget the Mess Now and Remember the Past in Your Memoir

Right now while everyone is wringing their hands over the economy, why not think about something else like writing your memoir for loved ones in time for the Holidays?

Last summer, during a writing sabbatical, I found myself in my neighborhood where I have lived for 11 years and I discovered that there were a lot of seniors walking about, and looking bored and lonely. I remembered what former President Bill Clinton had said when he wrote his memoir stating that anyone over 50 should write his or her memoir if only to pass it on to loved ones.

I thought this was a great idea, so I posted fliers and offered a memoir workshop at the Brooklyn Public Library branch. Each member was so scared but once they read their works, they were on fire with passion and excitement. Most of all the writings were beautiful, unique and smart.

Frank P. Thomas, author of "How to Write the Story of Your Life," says, "Members of your family want to know more about your life than you think. They will treasure every word you write. To them you are the connection, the bridge between the remarkable past and the present. In fact, you are history, and history disappears if you don't record it."

And this is why I would like to offer my Memoir workshop to you, especially right now while things are so testy, perhaps this is the perfect time to forget the moment and remember some great memories of the past. I have a Master's degree in Creative Writing and Professional Writing and Rhetoric and I have been giving workshops of various topics since 2004.

Start writing now online with me in time for the Winter Holidays.

Send me an email at hastingswolford@yahoo.com if you're interested! My fee is really, really reasonable. Let's start now!

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