Avoid all fish hooks!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


We had the discussion of the decade (make that two) this past Thanksgiving. No matter what, I am glad we are a family which does not cap things/issues off and pretend all is well. For better or for worse, at some point the tea kettle blows and it did two days ago and I was ready to leave Boston but not leave my daughter. Leila was ready to leave, too, but didn't, and saved us, calling a meeting back at Sarah's apartment where we sat for more than an hour talking about what we thought of ourselves, of the notion of us as a family.

And we didn't let each other interrupt. Leila didn't. Like I said, she saved our family.

Today it's raining and chilly, but there is a warm place in my heart. Fire cannot go out where there is a flame and I am burning bright, happy to be alive, and the mother of these two splendid women.

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