Avoid all fish hooks!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Aware of My Power

How do we stay true to ourselves? It's looming 24-7, ain't it? Yes it is.

Remembering how stellar is your core self is the start, middle and finish, no, dare I say it, your eternal assurance that who YOU are is perfect.

Stay true to you.

How do we devalue ourselves? Excusing poor behavior - whether consciously or unconsciously - by those executing the nasty behavior. Saying "it's okay. I need the money. I need the job. It doesn't matter. It doesn't touch me. I don't need to accept it."

My goal now is to stand up and walk or turn my back on anyone speaking in a devaluing way to me, forgetting the sterling core self - of them and of me.

I can honor who they are at the core and forgive the social mask of their unawareness.

This surges power up from my core. I do not need to seek anything on the outside.

I am whole. From the inside.



Chris said...

Some nice thoughts here. Glad to see you are posting here. As Lankavatara Sutra says, there's nothing in the world but the mind itself, and therefore all is possible.

Unknown said...

I hear you! I walked out of an audition today, because I told myself, I don't need the money that badly. Here's to you Sheela, and the spirit of perserverance.