Avoid all fish hooks!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Everyone carries around their own monsters." - Richard Pryor

This morning I awoke a little before seven. I was still sleepy, grabbed two pillows and a blanket off my bed, and took them into the living room where I collapsed on the couch for another three hours. While sleeping I'd awaken and before going back to sleep, the name "Richard Pryor" kept coming to me. What? I thought, my fuzzy brain playing with me.

But now that I'm awake, drinking a cup of coffee, and working, I realize Richard Pryor was a very hilarious, honest man. Maybe the universe is nudging me to be funnier and most of all, honest.

Be honest.

Often there are topics I want to write about and yet I stop for fear of hurting someone or putting myself out there - out of my comfort zone. And so, in my agreement with my mother not to be afraid to live as she agreed not to be afraid to die and face the unknown, I venture into complete honesty in my writing and in my reporting of what I see, feel, interpret and experience.

Thanks, Richard.

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