Avoid all fish hooks!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pardon the Swirl and Not Necessarily Perfect Order of this Post

Those writers who I admire are Amy Tan and Stephen King. I don't read King's books or even see his movies, but it is his love for language that steers my wonder and I found this when I read his Memoir on Writing, a splendid guide to good writing, and imagination. And Tan, well, she is just magnificent and also inspired by the arrangement and delicious use and order of words. It is the clarity with which they write that I see and apply to my brain. Incredible storytellers. And what they do best and most simple is they stay in the present tense, something that such an 'aha' moment shows me where to go and not take a swerve into the writer's ditch. King advises reading as much as writing, so as to process and apply good writing style from the eclectic and wise company of writers.

I am excited. Much good reading to be done. All of Tan's work, more Maya Angelou, oh, let's be real, the list is endless. I want to live to be in my late 80s to experience and to further what is awakening inside me.

90+ and in great health is what I'm shooting for...

I'm all over the place tonight because I am listening to Bob Proctor's cds on being a Goal Achiever. He says to write down six things you will do for the day and then commit to it with a signature. That is the essence of being a goal achiever. So I have lots of information pole vaulting around in my head. I tell you what, I will not allow myself almost to get there and not do it.

I'm a Tan and King, myself. I am my own representation of Maya Angelou. I am Sheela. I am brilliant. As are you.