Avoid all fish hooks!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk"

Welcome to my journey.
Second time in my "post a day for a year journey" that I didn't  post!  I got home and after two long days of ESL groups and last night's attendance to a birthday dinner, once I arrived home I found myself staring at my blog, apologizing, but off I went to bed. I knew while doing this that things were out of order in my schedule. Posting and writing should have been first. Lesson learned.

But good news! I am two days consistent in my gratitude journal! I'm just keeping it real, that's right, only two straight days of listing what I am grateful for and appreciative. Routine in anything desired is a must! If you want to be a success at what you love, it must be worked on everyday consistently and on time!

My awakening came 15 years ago when I had a job that I was not receiving support,  and was not happy. During the nearly two years that I worked there, I could make my own hours and I abused that privilege and often called in saying I would be in late or I'd take entire days off. What I found during that sad time was the extremely satisfying realization that I adored staying home and using that time to launch my own ideas and daydreaming. It felt right.

The welcoming trees to my journey.
When I moved to New York soon after, the feeling went away as I scrambled to find work and an apartment for my daughters and me. Survival took over, yet once I was planted in the work world, I found myself mourning for time spent alone during the normal working hours.

When I left my apartment in the morning, I began to walk toward the train station at the end of my block and I would stare at three trees planted along the edge of the little park across the street. Praying to those trees, I began asking for a way to accomplish my desire to work alone and to survive. Those trees became my praying place, day after day. They also represented my daughters and me.

I saw the trees as a pathway to my dream of being a solitary writer and making a good income. What I would find was my journey involved much healing and strengthening. I am still on that path, evoking help and finding answers, and as Frost said, "Miles to go before I sleep."

So the next time I come home late at night and very sleepy, I already will have made my post and have done my writing for the day. If not, I will post that night, tired, but still consistent and true to my routine. I am sturdy as the three trees who bless me, one by one, as I walk under them, praying as I go.

 Dedicated to my daughters.

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