Avoid all fish hooks!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Shut Up and Stand By Your Man

I am sick and tired of the cheap shots being taken - once again - at women. This time it's the celebrity gals, especially Britney Spears. I don't care if she walks around naked drunk all the time, leave her alone! She sang and danced and made shitloads of money and her kids will never go without. Leave Courtney Love alone, too! My beef here is what I see being done to women who stand up and just live! Think of all the Dads out there who fuck up all the time, and no press...or at least no mention of their kids' safety. It is a direct blow to the head of femininity, not Sean Preston as one crass columnist stated in Metro against Spears.

This is what NOW should be screaming about...it starts at the root! Britney having her vagina photographed is enough. Enough already! Let Patriarchy ring! And K-Fed is shot with his date for New Year's Eve. Oh he's got it together all right. Screw the head of one burned out pop star and then screw her in that vagina twice and laugh all the way to the moral bank!

Enough. Comon feminists get broiled over this...stop being June Cleaver fighting for abortion only. Fight for the blatant things like the way young women are whistled at and spoken to completely inappropriately until they can develop their first cellulite, wrinkle or hot flash whichever comes first! Don't you see? It's direct fire upon women. It's patriarchy coming at you and it starts way before abortion and equal pay. Today I read the story of the Debutantes who've recently come out. They are escorted by a male college student or military gent. Don't you see? Women are pulverized if they don't play by the rules. They run the risk of losing their children and their dignity. And it has nothing to do with being drunk on New Year's Eve in Vegas or showing one's peach to the World.

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