Avoid all fish hooks!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Terribly Wonderful

Leila's in Connecticut and Sarah's in Pennsylvania and I'm here transcribing STILL my first draft. Read a great article by Walter Mosely on writing novels. Seems reading the first draft equates as the second. Well, I'm typing it from the handwritten version to typed and so I am headed to finish my second draft. Cannot wait to bite into the third! Still in the dark about a lot but things are coming into focus. I see, I see! This is the most fun I've EVER had creating except for making Lee and Sar. har de har har.

This rocks.

Except, can we talk? The isolation just about put me down yesterday. Near 3 pm, I was losing it. Sent a mass email out to my friends here in town and Anna called me that night and asked, "Are you alright?"

Well no, no I'm not.

I've entered the bizarre world of novel writing. I want to run but it won't let me go.

Crazy stuff.

Which is why I have Raymond Carver's quote over my computer that reads: "Writing's not terrible, it's wonderful. I keep my own hours, do what I please. When I want to travel, I can. But mainly I'm doing what I most wanted to do all my life. I'm not into the agonies of creation."

That keeps me grounded. Be grateful Carver says, eating his fish soup.

I will be. I am.

The silence is a friend. And when she's not, itunes saves me.

Eileen emailed yesterday. "The novel, the novel, the novel..." she instructed.

My mentor saves me yet again.

I know. I submit. I am doing what I most wanted to do all my life.

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