Avoid all fish hooks!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Right on, Roseanne!

The following is from Roseanne Barr's blog, Roseanne World:

Obama's campaign

is so incredibly and blatantly sexist in its attacks on Hillary (who is always referred to as "THE CLINTONS") I find it laughable that the sexist media falls all over itself to suggest that she is the only politician who uses dirty tricks and attack ads. They all do it, including Obama. The woman who almost made it to the top is being diminished and "put in her place". Of course, all of this is really in order to quelch the woman's vote in this country, which has the power to remake and reshape all of politics itself. What would happen if baby boomer females support one of their own?


Yes! I agree. On Bill Mahr's show Friday night, he mentioned how SC may be lost to Hillary not because of race but because of gender. He said how the general thought there was 'a man should lead.' When I heard that I knew SC was lost. Yet, hopefully there are more enlightened women around the Country who don't feel that way anymore. So when I also read last night that Barack said it wasn't an issue of race, I knew he was all wet and playing the sexist card like a pro. Then the photo of his wife there with him, smiling.

This is a historic time, folks. May the best candidate win, overcome, and lead.

1 comment:

AceStings said...

Are you still saving fish from drowning? How about jack asses like me?